Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy New Year

I thought I would wait to post until tonight to include our New Year dinner. We had a quite uneventful week. The girls are feeling better and John did not seem to get this cold. The girls did share with their mommy though. I am feeling better.

Our 5 year anniversary was on Saturday. We can not believe that we have been married for 5 years already. We pulled out our wedding pictures and we both made comments about how different we look,(boy do you age in 5 years). John laughed because we did not spent our anniversary together. We used the day to do projects that we needed to get done.

Today was Chinese New Year. We spent the morning running around and getting the food for dinner. I made Chinese Dumplings, Fried Rice, Longevity noodles, and snow peas and water chestnuts. I was quite shocked when it all came out.

The girls seemed to enjoy it. John and my mom liked the dumplings. I needed to use wonton skins, because my store did not have dumpling skins. I guess I need to try a Chinese grocery store.

After dinner, the girls did their traditional dancing. Jessa goes over to the stereo and hits the random button. Emma waits with great anticipation for the music to start. Then they go crazy dancing around our living room. Emma dances with this wonderful stiffness that only she could pull off.
Jessa has this stammer step that she does with her head tilted to the side. Maybe the girls will be good dancers like their mommy and not take after their daddy who does not dance for a reason. Hahaha!!!!
This coming weekend the girls are going to stay at Gramma and Grampa's so John and I can go away for our anniversary. I am looking forward to being away with John for a little while. I will have to let you know how it goes.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A sick week

This week was filled with sick kids. We came home on Monday with Jessa coughing. By Tuesday, she was getting sick with a barky cough. She and I stayed home from school together. That was wonderful to be just one child and me. Wednesday morning she woke up with 104 fever and stopped drinking and eating anything other than oranges. Thursday, she had a fever all day and wasn't drinking any more. Emma also started with a runny nose and cough. By Friday, we were back at the doctors and concerned that she was dehydrated. If she did not have a couple of wet diapers by morning, we were headed to the hospital. Friday night was a turning point, we were constantly giving her liquids.

She is better this week and Emma is feeling better also, but now Mommy has the cold. They are great at sharing things - thank you girls.

We are trying to decide whether or not to move. We have looked at a few homes, but are not sure if we are up to the challenge.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Snow

Emma's 2nd Birthday was on January 8th. We had one of her parties on Sunday, January 4th with my family. She was not so sure about her birthday hat, but liked her cake. On Thursday, we had spaghetti and another birthday cake. She is very blessed with a great number of presents. Mommy and Daddy gave her a big girl quilt and big girl bed. The bed has not been set up yet. Mommy and Daddy are very nervous about wandering around the upstairs at night. She really is getting to be a big girl.