Friday, February 27, 2009

Hair cuts and the park

Emma and Jessa went for a hair cut on Thursday after our trip to the ENT for Jessa. John and I went to Dupont Hospital to talk with an ENT about the possibility of Jessa getting ear tubes. Due to the fact that her ears were clear at this point, we could hold off and take a wait and see attitude which is what we decided to do. After the appointment, we headed to the hair cut place. Emma got her second cut which she was not too thrilled with and Jessa got her first hair cut which she seemed very unimpressed with. Following the hair cut, we made a trek to the playground to let the girls run around and give Mommy a chance to play with her camera more. The girls had a blast. Please note the different styles of going down a slide.

This is before the hair cut - do you think mommy ever combs her hair?

This style has her ending up with her feet on the ground and ready to go off running.

Great butt shot!!!!!

Two unique styles!!!!

I am trying many different angles and views with my camera.

She is beginning to enjoy the swings more than in the fall.

Emma just wants to go higher and higher.

My birthday present

I got a new camera for my birthday. I have been wanting to get a better camera to take pictures of the girls. Now I have to take a class to learn how to use it. Don't you like my glamour sunglasses that came with my birthday cake?
I got a fancy cake for my birthday too this year. I wonder if I should take something from the symbolism of the cake. I am I a shopper.

Here are some pictures that I took with my new camera. The girls enjoying a drink on their beanbag.
Jessa with her milk belly. No comments about the bottle please, we are working on it.

What a cute little face. She is pretending to be sleeping. Shhhhh!!!!
Jessa is taking after her mommy and liking hats. Boy is her hair getting long.

I just want to give that face a kiss, don't you?

I can not believe how grown up she is looking. She has such a personality and great plans for her day with the activities that are on her agenda.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!!
Love Emma and Jessa

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Can not wait for spring

We are so in trouble with Jessa. She is already texting her friends. We gave the girls a few of our old cellphones. One of them plays music(ringtones) that the girls dance to. This night, Jessa crawls up into a chair and started playing around with it.
Emma has such a great smile. She loves her noodles(noonals-as she says). She still knows how to slurp with the best of them. I can still remember sitting in the hotel room in Guanghou with a bowl full of noodles and chopsticks. We were amazed at how this 8 month old could slurp those noodles. She and Daddy have slurping competitions at dinner. Jessa has decided that using a spoon with her yogurt is just a waste of time. She much rather lick it out with her tongue. She can get just about all of it, but her face gets a little messy.

It is amazing how long Jessa's hair has gotten. She is really looking like a girl now. She still makes her cheese face as you can see.

Emma and Jessa both like to eat their snack in their playhouse. Jessa is the one that is stealing Emma's pretzels and having fun with it.
We have been talking about getting beanbag chairs for the girls. Last Saturday we were in Target and found this one. As you can see Jessa really enjoys relaxing in it with her bunny bears and a banana (that is what she has in her hand). Let me also say this picture was taken at 5am on Saturday. Why is it that children know that it is weekends and don't sleep.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How fast they grow up!!

I looked at Jessa this evening and was shocked to see a little girl. She is not a baby any longer. She is a true people with plans and ideas. She enjoys to move furniture (her daddy says she is like her mommy). You will find her pushing a chair around or her house being moved from one place to the next.

It did not seem to be such a sudden awareness for Emma. She is now sleeping in a big girl bed, at home and at Gramma and Grampa's house. We are talking about potty training her.

We went to the doctor's last Monday. Emma is in the 60% for height, 80% for weight, and 10% of head size. Jessa is in the 50% for height, 20% for weight, and 90% of head size. So they are the same for height and opposites for weight and head size.

We start our next music class this week with Mommy as their teacher. I am looking forward to see how they do.

We have not had much going on over the last two weeks. The girls had the stomach bug and are just now getting back to themselves. Thanks heavens that John and I did not get it in full force. We have had two little snows with cancelled school on two Wednesdays in a row. We are going to try to get away for our anniversary at the end of February (our last attempt was cancelled due to the girls getting sick).