Monday, May 4, 2009

Our new bug

We had our 8 week ultrasound today. Everything looks great. The baby's heartbeat is 160. If you believe the old wives tale, that means a girl. Poor John. Mom is very tired and sick. I am wanting Mexican Food all the time.
The girls are doing great. Emma is visiting the older class, she is have a blast. I think she is liking the challenge. Jessa is as crazy as normal, but we love her just as much.
We have scheduled next Monday to put our house on the market. Our kitchen is almost completed and we only have to finish our bedroom. I really hope our house sells quickly so I am not 6 months pregnant packing our house. I would rather be 6 month pregnant and unpacking.
John is doing well. Working hard and playing hard with the girls. Boy does he love those girls.