Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I thought this would be a great time to explain what my clues mean. For all of our readers that have not guessed, we are going to have a baby. Surprise!!!! Yes it was very much a surprise-a wonderful and exciting surprise. We are expecting the baby to be arriving around Dec 12th. My mom and John both think that it is a boy. My midwife joked that it is twins. Right now I am feeling great other than very, very tired. I only feel nausea when I have not eaten, so I am trying to do several small meals during the day.

Jessa loves to look at little babies, but I think she is not going to be happy when this baby comes home to stay. Emma wants to have a baby boy, but I think she would be happy to have either. I will keep you informed about all the excitement.

I have to say that I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to be pregnant again and give birth again. As John says, "I am getting my three children" and John's dad now only needs one more grandchild to fill his quota of 7.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A very full last two weeks

Emma splashing in the puddles.
Jessa loves making big splashes.

Emma is winning the race.
Jessa is catching up in the race.
Daddy moved the girls' house out for them to play in. Boy do they love it. Thanks Dawn and Chuck.
Emma thinks it is great to feel the breeze in her hair. As Emma says... "It's windeeee.."
Bennett and Nicholas were over the last two Fridays due to their spring break. Bennett decided to make a tower with Alla.
I think Alla and Emma are attacking Bennett. Do you like how Jessa is the quiet observer.
Emma is posing out in the grass.
Jessa is planting some flowers for us. How do you think she is doing?

We want to pass on some thank yous for this weekend. Gramma and Grampa for watching the girls on Saturday and Granddad and Nana for coming down to work on the kitchen and go to the Birthday party. We are in the mad rush to get our house together to put it on the market. We are in the need of a bigger home. I will explain more later this week. I have left a clue somewhere on the blog site. We pulled down the kitchen ceiling on Saturday and are putting up a new one on next Saturday. I have gone around and made lists for the things that have to been done in each room. I feel very overwhelmed.
We could use all of your prayers to get this work finished and not have this house on the market for long. God definitely has a plan for us. He also has a great sense of humor.