Sunday, February 8, 2009

How fast they grow up!!

I looked at Jessa this evening and was shocked to see a little girl. She is not a baby any longer. She is a true people with plans and ideas. She enjoys to move furniture (her daddy says she is like her mommy). You will find her pushing a chair around or her house being moved from one place to the next.

It did not seem to be such a sudden awareness for Emma. She is now sleeping in a big girl bed, at home and at Gramma and Grampa's house. We are talking about potty training her.

We went to the doctor's last Monday. Emma is in the 60% for height, 80% for weight, and 10% of head size. Jessa is in the 50% for height, 20% for weight, and 90% of head size. So they are the same for height and opposites for weight and head size.

We start our next music class this week with Mommy as their teacher. I am looking forward to see how they do.

We have not had much going on over the last two weeks. The girls had the stomach bug and are just now getting back to themselves. Thanks heavens that John and I did not get it in full force. We have had two little snows with cancelled school on two Wednesdays in a row. We are going to try to get away for our anniversary at the end of February (our last attempt was cancelled due to the girls getting sick).

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